My first year as a mom

 maj and maeve

Ever had a job where you're absolutely unqualified and know nothing about, yet lives are at stake, and you can't quit?

Yup, that pretty much sums up motherhood.
It's been a year and I feel like I still don't know what I'm doing. Haha. 

The first year has been physically and emotionally draining and challenging. 

Some days are easy and I rock it, and I get to do all the chores, do the laundry, get the dishes done, all the while Maeve is having fun, eating well, naps are good, and we have an early bed time.

And some days are just shitty and brutal where my back is aching, I didn't get enough sleep, Maeve doesn't want to go to sleep, she's cranky and teething, and she throws the remotes on the floor, and kicks me in the face, and she doesn't want to take baths, and throws all her food on the floor... I could just go on and on.

Honestly, I wish someone told me how exhausting it is to take care of babies... I wish I could've done this when I was a lot younger and had more energy and my body parts didn't really ache. Haha.

But I have to also express how blessed I am to be a stay-at-home-mom especially for the first year. I was able to witness all of Maeve's milestones and I have all these memories in my head that I wouldn't trade for anything else in the world. 

The days are long, the weeks are short. 

All I was trying to do was survive the 24 hours, and here we are, at a blink of an eye, more than 365 days past... 

maj and maeve

So... Dear me, 

Celebrate your wins no matter how small. Take deep breaths. Exercise. Get strong. Drink vitamins and don't you dare get sick. Taking care of yourself first is part of taking care of your family. 

Sometimes, you won't feel like you, but it's okay. Different chapters of your life requires a different you.  

"The moment a child is born, the mother is also born. She never existed before. The woman existed, but the mother, never."

No one knows how to really do this. 

Some days you'll be an amazing mom, and some days you just have to cry it all out.

Just enjoy this ride and enjoy the moments passing by!

You are exactly where you need to be in your life.


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