Hello again!


Thought I would just give a little life update since I haven't been writing really and it's already the end of July. LOL.

So, life has been good for the first half of 2022. We moved again -- but this time, a bit more permanently. 

My life as a stay at home mom has been fairly okay since Maeve became a toddler. (I don't want to jinx it but it's been actually fun.) I've already accepted that there will be good days, bad days, awesome fun days, great learning days, and some days where you just want to stay in bed but you can't because you're a mom and you are needed.

So anyway, it's like we're starting over again. Social life is non-existent, no friends here -- but I'm a toddler-mom and it's totally normal. HAHA. We've almost unpacked everything and there are still some bits and bobs inside boxes that need to be stored, but so far I'm getting a feel of this new place. 

The past few days have been so tiring and I feel like all I've been doing is cleaning and washing dishes and finding storage spaces. After all, this house is bigger than our previous ones and I'll be definitely covering a lot more space than I'm used to. Also, Maeve is non-stop running all around and climbing everything, so baby-proofing is a must!

The outdoors are a great area for recreation though. We're closer to nature more than ever and I do have plans on exercising and getting fit. Before, I just wanted to get thinner because of my mom-tummy. But now with a toddler, I just want to get fit for PCOS/health reasons and I just don't want to have to catch my breath all the time, you know? I just really hope I can find the time in my day to do it. I really want even just an hour of "me time" where I can focus on just me and not having to worry if my baby needs anything.

I also think I have the time now to go back to writing reviews if I don't clean up and pick up toys. LOL. Maeve naps for about 1.5 to 2 hours now, so I think I can squeeze some writing if my mom-brain will permit. You know that joke where they say "it's just the anesthesia" and I just feel that it's really true. Haha. I get so distracted easily and I really can't focus long enough and there are a hundred things going through my mind all at the same time. Wow, just amazing how your body changes after birthing a child. Haha. 

Hopefully I can push through with my "me time" plans. I really want to get moving and writing more now that we're in this new house. Somehow I just have this feeling that I can do this now :)


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